July 25, 2019
This is my first post, just checking if everything’s working correctly.
ZeroAlpha is 0A. In the ASCII table, the hexadecimal value 0x0A represents the “line feed”, or the “newline” (\n). You have to insert a newline every time you want to execute a command, by pressing the enter key. The newline is the only way to launch a process, run a command, essentially to do anything, in the shell prompt. That’s what the name means.
I learn a lot of new stuff every day, and I’d like a place where I can write down the most significant/useful things in a coherent manner. I feel like a blog is a good way to do that, without any pressure. This isn’t a “best practices” or “I know better than you” type of blog; the content on here is mostly intended as inspiration for others, and as reference for myself.
Here’s some code in the languages I use most, to test syntax highlighting (bonus points if you can guess the languages):
def say_hello():
print("Hello World")
def say_hello
puts "Hello World"
say_hello() {
echo "Hello World";
function sayHello() {
console.log("Hello World");
fn say_hello() {
println!("Hello World");